Jobs Tears Seed Extract
Jobs Tears Seed Extract - At a glance
The detail on Jobs Tears Seed Extract
Job’s tears is a perennial plant native to southeast Asia & is considered a plant with many health benefits. In Korea it is used as food and medicinal purpose. It is used to treat internal disorders, allergy and inflammation such as skin infection, acne, and pimples.
Job’s tears has a rich content of essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid. The essential fatty acids are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects. It contains about 13-14% of protein and is rich in Vitamin B1, B12, and E, which help skin healthy. For this reason it is said to strengthen immune systems, inhibit inflammation & gently decrease inflammation and sign of aging.
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Our standard sample size is 50g but may vary according to the nature of the product.
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